Amanda C. Bauch, writer, editor, and teacher, has an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University and is currently working on a young adult novel and a memoir. In her “free” time, she works as a freelance dissertation editor and formerly served as Assistant Editor for Relief: A Christian Literary Expression. Her short fiction has appeared in Tattoo Highway, Bent Pin Quarterly, The Hiss Quarterly, and nonfiction pieces have been published in Writer Advice, Empowerment4Women, as well as two print anthologies, Tainted Mirror and MOTIF: Writing By Ear. She also won an honorable mention in the 2007 Writers’ Workshop of Asheville Memoir Contest and second place in the 2006 Lantern Books Essay Contest. Her viewpoint often derives from her dysfunctional family history, relationships, Christianity and spiritual issues, and random nonsense.
Amye Barrese Archer is a graduate student working towards her MFA in Creative Writing at Wilkes University. She has written poetry, short stories, a novel that will never be finished, and many truths on bathroom walls. Her work has appeared, or is forthcoming in, Pank Magazine, The Ampersand (&) Review, The Battered Suitcase, and Oak Bend Review. Her chapbook, “No One Ever Looks up” was published by Pudding House Press in 2007. Amye has three-year-old twin daughters, and shares her life with her brilliant husband, Tim.
An lives in central Arkansas with her daughter. Sometimes, she dreams about moving far, far away. And maybe someday she will. For now, she writes.
On the eve of her 30th birthday, Angela Tavares found black metal, and life has been awesomely grim ever since. When she’s not walking the forests on cold winter nights or crafting inverted crosses with twigs and twine, she’s writing a novel, like everyone else you know. On an unrelated note, she talks for every animal she meets, a habit she’s finding hard to quit, and loves Greek yogurt.
Southern, single & 35, Kimberly Roth should by all intents and purposes be a nun, but has chosen instead to pursue rabble-rousing. Arkansas born and raised, her viewpoint springs from living as a faithful heretic in the midst of the Bible belt. As her patron saint, Madeleine L’Engle, once wrote: “If my religion is true, it will stand up to all my questioning.” There are a few beliefs she is dogmatic about: love, grace, hospitality, community, listening & resting. The rest she’s still figuring out.
The Cup of Procrastination: Drink bloody mary Clean house walk dog check email open word document play with fonts pretend computer crashes take hallucinogenic mushrooms (or tab of acid if really looking to kill time) go for walk think about all the great pieces you’ll write someday when you have the time.
*despite looking like a 72-year-old man, ben wa is actually in his 30's. and in those 72 years, he's learned that life is way too short to play it safe; you have to be willing to die young.
*Chris Severance makes his living selling inherited assets. He fits a classic ADHD, INTP, dually diagnosed, narcissist profile. His wife and two children will be fortunate to escape unscathed. He has dabbled in and seriously considered the following for vocation, avocation, obsession or hobby: landscaping, herb farming, filmmaking, fishing, inventing, drinking, growing dope, private investigation, philosophy, teaching, day trading, forex trading, skiing, snowboarding, rabbit farming, earthworm farming, dirt farming, commercial composting, ocean kayaking, surfing, computer technician, geocaching, fitness training, marathons, general crime, triathlons, novel writing, screenwriting, home improvement, mechanical arts, welding, modeling, garbology, sailing, windsurfing, acting, being a kept man, scuba diving, vegetable gardening, craft services, catering, Tibetan Buddhism, meth, motivational speaking (picture Matt Foley living in a van down by the river), winning Powerball, recovery, blogging, research, law school, yoga, pilates and running for office. He retired from growing cranberries at age 32 when he was passed over for the big promotion for lack of a college degree. Chris now attends university full time and appreciates the character building associated with jail cell confinement. He can look the part but acting is out. No feelings were harmed in the making of this bio.
*Christina “Olives” Lamoureux is the self-fulfilling prophecy of a quirky and sarcastic procrastinator. When faced with the reality of work, she generally takes a nap instead. She currently lives and attends graduate school in Fitchburg, MA, where she spends her time studying really old stuff as an Ancient and Medieval History major. She is very slowly writing a true crime story that has nothing to do with ancient or medieval history, but aspires to write historical fiction as well. The only perfect thing she has done in her life is thrown a 300 game in ten pin bowling; since that occurred in her twenties, it is now ancient history as well. Besides history and bowling, she “sees dead people” as part of a paranormal investigation team. When she cannot afford to indulge in her martini fetish, she reads or watches terrible, pointless TV.
DimpinDesign is a 35 year old, carbon based life-form currently residing in the Cape Cod area. His interests include, reading, fishing, playing the guitar, cheating the government, advanced mathematics, alchemy, and deep frying random food items.
By day Mark McKnight is the Principle Software Engineer at the Yale Institute for Network Science. On the side, he organizes Netrunner games and fixes bugs on this and other websites that his partner, Lee Lee, has dreamed up. Somehow he also manages to keep a cadre of growing boys (humans and dogs) alive and happy.
David Pasquarelli is a middle-aged dad, painter, surfer, and lover of all things outdoors.
Dr Clown is not a real doctor, but is a real clown.
As a child, E. Ramón Chaparro excelled at coloring between the lines, but has since failed miserably at staying firmly within any other kind of boundary. He dubs himself an AfroNuyoRican in an attempt to succinctly capture his genetic inability to strictly adhere to categorization of any kind. He is a language buff, barbecue enthusiast, jazz aficionado, and uncredentialed lifelong learner. He hopes to one day be able to put down roots somewhere, but so far has had trouble maintaining geographic stability. Research is underway to determine the effect of this phenomenon on his rather dismal dating life.
* E.C. has taken a sabbatical from serious work in order to dream and to better develop an inter-disciplinary method of destroying both psychology and writing. In ruina verum...
Emily Billings is a freelance writer and reluctant marketing director living in South Florida. She doesn't like liars, fakes or phoneys but loves cheese. She spends most of her time at the beach either being lazy or participating in beachy activities like body-boarding and snorkeling. She also enjoys hitting lobs or high backhands that her husband can't return on the tennis court. After a long day, there isn't anything Emily enjoys more than spending time with her husband and cats hypothesizing about the collapse of modern civilization and planning their survival.
Emmyem likes telling her husband what to do and being a clinical psychologist. When not therapizing, she stares at her son and cats. Sometimes she still dances and performs.
Benjamin Kail served as Sports Editor of his high school's news magazine and as the school's Poet Laureate. He reestablished and edited UConn at Avery Point's newspaper and literary magazine. 30POV's Tailor was right there with him in those years, writing and editing.
Blunted optimist. Astride the border between the Real and the Unreal; that last place where rival gangs of shaman fought each other to an ayahuasca-soaked standstill.
Jack Wild has spent the last 10 years treading and creating paths of liberation and wellness. He studied yoga in Hawaii; massage, raw foods, martial arts, zen meditation, the tarot, tantra, and kabbalah in Oregon; and Radical Undoing and Energized Meditation in Arizona.
Imee Cuison is a freelance writer, critical care nurse, script reader, and occasional professional (not glorified) furniture mover whose viewpoints encompass post-colonial musings, deconstruction of the commonplace, and making nonsense out of mole hills. She currently resides in Charleston, SC, otherwise known as the Holy City. Her work has appeared in Maganda Magazine, Psychic Meatloaf, and phati'tude Literary Magazine.
Incertest is in his mid-30's and calls the Delaware Valley home. He is a collector of quotes, lover of music, and amateur philosopher. Well versed in Roman history and literature, his clever 30POV author name comes from the Latin for "it is uncertain"
James Cook is a professional writer and amateur outdoorsman. After writing things his whole life (beginning with a three-page screenplay at the age of six), he became a professional writer in 2016. He has since completed one novel and has ghost-written, coached, and/or edited five published books, one of which was an Amazon best seller in five categories. He believes "life is too important to be taken seriously" (Oscar Wilde) and lives in Massachusetts with his wife and teenage daughter.
Jason Leary is liberalish, except regarding the Oxford comma; an occasional runner; and a part-time thinker. A happy family man, Jason also loves William Carlos Williams, liberty, and beer. He pulled this bio from his Twitter profile, @JasonLeary74.
Jamie Hill is a thirty something stay-at-home mom in Willis, TX, about an hour outside of Houston. Her viewpoint is, homeschool is the best school. She homeschools all three children, and writes web content in her "free time."
Brian W. Castro's immediate needs are simple: his iPod, a good novel and a bottle of wine. He is a born-again New Yorker living in the Sunshine State whose self-deprecating viewpoint confuses even himself. Once a fan of "sex, drugs & rock and roll," he only revels in one of the three openly. When he's not looking for deep lyrical meanings in Duran Duran's discography, he can be found staring blankly at his laptop--hard at work on his great Filipino-American graphic novel. Incidentally, this stare doubles as an intimidation tool when his children are unruly. Brian prefers to write under pressure, acknowledging deadlines bring out his creativity. But he admits, "Like masturbation, procrastination only ends up with me screwing myself."
Karen earned Bachelor's Degrees in French and Political Science from Weber State University. In her post-college life, she has done everything possible to avoid working in either field. She is addicted to Coke, Tom Cruise movies and office supply stores. Her totally realistic life goals include winning an Academy Award, writing the best selling novel of all time and becoming the most famous blogger in the history of the internet.
Kate Wade has her very own office at work. It comes complete with a sink, refrigerator and a back door (escape route?), clearly its most important feature.
KFrayz is a quasi psychotherapist, quasi nanny, quasi sexual health educator, quasi student, quasi scrabble player, quasi gardener, quasi writer, quasi music buff, quasi chef, quasi reader, quasi runner, and most importantly, quasi sane.
Life is an ever changing, flowing, chaotic river. I find myself carried along at some points, and fighting the current at others.
LLXTM is the Head Dreamer of this publication and various other projects, including, The Perpetual You, and Ladymade. She has no spare time and yet eeks out moments to spend with her two {human} boys and two {puppy} boys. She can’t wait for spring, aka Covid Gardening, Part II. Follow her @wordsbyleelee on Instagram, or find her on her front porch in Hamden, CT.
Jojo-a-Gogo is a nice red-headed gal who doesn’t like talking about herself. The only limelight she enjoys is that on a swing dance floor. Born and raised in Kansas, she graduated from KU and then DJed and taught swing dance. She moved to Boston a month before 9/11 with her fiancee-to-become-husband and now has 2 beautiful loud-mouthed lil’ girls.
Lauren Leonardi is a writer, engaged full time in the completion of her first novel. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Michele Martin is the founder of the sustainably minded and holistically focused pet business She is committed to educating people about the true “cost” of things and firmly believes that sometimes you “spend” alot more when you save those few dollars. Michele enjoys hanging with her boxer Bella and eating gluten-free goodies while obsessing over Twitter.
MattyB created post its. He also created raspberry danish, Cheetos, and Diet Pepsi.
Mr. Poopoopachu is a character; not of film, television or literature, but a character in {real life}. But because not too many people watch real life anymore, he’s flown under the radar virtually unnoticed entirely for 33 years. It’s Poopoopachu’s passion for absorbing all the geeky bits of pop culture in the nerdosphere that gets him out of bed each day. His past is rich with life-shaping - and many times debaucherous - experiences: he’s been the Kool-Aid Man; he’s searched for bigfoot; and he’s been booed off a bus. Hell, once he even saved 7 kittens from a burning tenement. Naked. But that’s the past, and he’s not one to dwell. Or boast. (Ladies, did we mention he saved kittens?) He’s excited to be a contributor to 30pov, where he’ll share his fun, unique experiences and {try his best} not to offend too many of you.
Norm Elrod is a freelance writer, Digital Media Consultant and all around great guy. His work has appeared on Salon, AOL, Search Engine Watch and SmartBlog on Social Media. He blogs about his experiences in the job market at Jobless and Less, which has been featured in The New York Times and on NPR and NY1. His marketing and editorial experience includes positions in media, market research and entertainment. He’s also chasing the world record for most layoffs in a career. His bank account hopes he fails. Norm lives with his wife and two cats in Queens.
Owen is now undeniably in his 40s, but his viewpoint continues to change every day, and he hopes it will never stop changing.
You have come across a diabolical little demon that dwells within the realm of the impossible! Or something like that... I'm not sure who I am, but that little bit sounded good, right?
Brian "Papi" McGill has never met a liquor or a sport he doesn't like. He can give you any sport stat or make any drink you desire on request. If you're ever in St. Augustine, FL, stop by the Caddy Shack and he'll entertain you with stories of his crazy days (last week), challenge you to a ridiculous bet based on obscure sports knowledge, and/or dance you off the dance floor.
A second generation Indian American, Payal Mehta was raised by small business owners, which in turn led her to chase a life of corporate servitude. She recently escaped, and now works from home and spends time cooking, writing, and acting--and basically doing whatever else she wants. Connect with her on Instagram @paypar38.
Paul Fain can't believe he's reached what could accurately be described as his late '40s. He's now a WFH resident of the pandemic-era DC 'burbs who occasionally picks up a guitar and wishes he had the motivation and time to get the (socially distant) band back together.
rcmjd2k is a 36 year old recovering law school graduate who is trying to navigate his way through life. He lives in Washington, DC with his basset hound.
Sam lives with her dog in Southeastern MA. That's the most pathetic bio ever, but at least it's true.
Snotty McSnotterson is a writer who appreciates a biography that reveals almost nothing.
Stacy Parker Le Melle is the author of Government Girl: Young and Female in the White House (HarperCollins/Ecco), was the lead contributor to Voices from the Storm: The People of New Orleans on Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath (McSweeney’s), and chronicles stories for The Katrina Experience: An Oral History Project. She is a 2020 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow for Nonfiction Literature. Her recent narrative nonfiction has been published in Callaloo, Apogee Journal, The Atlas Review, Callaloo, Cura, Kweli Journal, Nat. Brut, The Nervous Breakdown, The Offing, Phoebe, Silk Road and The Florida Review where the essay was a finalist for the 2014 Editors’ Prize for nonfiction. Originally from Detroit, Le Melle lives in Harlem where she curates the First Person Plural Reading Series. Follow her on Twitter at @stacylemelle.
Susan Bigelow is a librarian and writer who lives in Connecticut with her wife and cats. She is obsessed with Twitter, politics and books, and thinks that only just now is life starting to get interesting.
Suzanne Cope has published a number of essays on food, family, travel, and pop culture in various print and online periodicals including APT, Storyscape and Apple Valley Review and has also contributed to the anthologies Cupcakes on the Counter (Booklocker 2009), Single State of the Union (Avon, 2007), This Day (Random House, 2005), and New England (Greenwood Press, 2006). Suzanne teaches composition and creative writing at Marian Court College and Berklee College of Music.
Crazy? Fun? Baseball hat or Highheels? Corporate slave or Football junkie? Skirts or Hockey? Yup, you've found it all - wrapped into one crazy ball of 5'3" fun!
Recipe for The Incapable Wrecked-Um: One full Angry Irish Aries 1/2 shot Cynical Apathy 1/2 shot Combative Mediocrity 1/2 bottle Jameson® Irish whiskey Sit Angry Irish Aries on couch. Crush his spirit with Combative Mediocrity and Cynical Apathy. Pour 1/2 bottle Jameson down his throat. Repeatedly kick in groin until surly, but malleable. If he cries, kick him until he stops.
The Tailor, John to his friends, is 32 years old, and always sees the value in being underestimated. He hopes to someday write the greatest science fiction novel ever conceived by man, but has to actually have the idea first. The Tailor is an avowed Trekkie, in case you didn't get the handle reference.
Fiction writer with a penchant for introspection. A real boy or a robot w/ feelings?
The recipe for my favorite cocktail? Open up a can of Guinness. Pour into a glass. Drop in a shot of Baileys. Does that count?