Just warming up
As I get older, I have discovered that I care less and less about certain things (what other people think), and more and more about other things (my children).
So much has changed in the world since 1974, yet I am relatively young. It’s nice being a person. A car from 1974, for instance, would be considered “ancient” but me, I’m young.
I homeschool my three daughters, ages 5, 8, and 10. I used to be a public school teacher, and I really enjoy the time I get to spend with my children. I also enjoy the closeness of our family.
This summer in Texas has been the driest in a very long time. I have heard the driest in 60 years, and I have heard the driest in 100 years. Either way, it is a long time, longer than I’ve been around.
I live across from a lake: at least I did when I moved here last winter. My house was rented to me with the promise of a “lake view.” I now have a “tall grasses view.” Even the grass in the lake is turning brown now.
Where I live, this summer has been the hottest I can recall, with weeks in a row over 100 degrees. The humidity has been lower than normal, due to the heat wave, so overall it is about the same, or even seemingly cooler.
I’m so tired of politics.
Although I have been writing web content for the last several months, I have not been keeping up with my writing. I hope that getting back into 30pov will help me to improve my writing skills.
Welcome back, Jamie!
Thanks for having me!