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"What the Fuck Did You Say?"

Time separates us like a canyon with no trails across and no bridge. I sit here writing this, you sit there reading it. Do we know each other? Do we know ourselves? Why have we come here?
Why do I write this for free?
What do either of us hope to get out of this long-distance interaction?
The only ones who end up here will somehow know why it matters to read these words at this time.
Selective hearing might help explain. Hearing only what you want to hear. Seeing only what you want to see. Finding only what you want to find. Ignoring everything else.
All the power you will ever have lives in the heart of every moment. It cannot ever leave you.
Do you hear this?
Do you see?
You can change anything in a single moment. The only moment you will ever have.
Do you hear this?
What else do you really need to hear? What more information to you need to act?
Everything you can ever possibly accomplish takes place right now. Every action you can take has to happen right now.
Life lives in the space right in front of your face. All the time.
Stare into it. Everything else happens in that space, doesn’t it. You know what I mean. Don’t fight me on this. I know you have your beliefs and ideas about how life works. Just remember the stage that life happens on. Your stage. That space right in front of your face that has always been there, right there in front of you. Right where you read these words and where you typed in a url and clicked around to get here.
Amazing, to have you reading these words I typed in my rented room at 2am.
You used to have to record tapes to share music with other people. Before that, a long time before, you had to actually play music yourself to share it with others. Now everything waits just a click away. For free. Those who don’t believe that information is now free live in a dying past. You can wake up now and see, feel, taste, smell, and grab it for yourself.
Pay attention to the happenings in your own body. Fingers still hitting keys. Do you get it? Nothing else for you but you.
You can change anything in a single moment. The only moment you will ever have.
Do you ever do that?
Everything you can ever possibly accomplish takes place right now. Every action you can take has to happen right now.
You can do anything. Just listen.

2 responses to “"What the Fuck Did You Say?"”

  1. Avatar dharma appavoo says:

    The Kabbalah has a lot in common with the Hindu and Buddhist philosophy.
    It is the fountainhead of Enlightenment, but it has been assailed, manipulated, distorted, trivialised, and diminished by avaricious, corrupt and materialistic mountebanks.
    Currently the Kabbalarian has been reduced to trusting in Tarot Cards, Lucky numbers, and Trinkets for the superstitious.
    Most importantly the Kabbalah is being assailed by cowards who cover their faces when they murder innocent women and children.
    Only draconian measures can ever eliminate such blood-thirsty pestilence.
    History has been distorted. The Land of Shem should be re-instated.
    For elucidation visit website: http://www.cyber-temple.com
    And please support my campaign.

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